lördag 10 april 2010


Man kan göra poesi av det mesta. På engelska finns en term som heter 'found language poetry' som egentligen är ett poesikollage. Man har stulit texten någonstans ifrån, och styckat upp den till poesi.

Idag läste jag en helt hysterisk version, med språket stulet från supportbiten hos Livejournal, en av dom gamla blogghostarna. Allting är frågor som har skickats in till supporten, och resultatet känns som en billig fredagsfylla dubbat till främmande språk och sen översatt tillbaka med google translation.

Några utdrag:

I am thirty years in the future. The page looks different.
There are more buttons. The writing, if I'm not mistaken,
is in Latin! It says in order to become a member, Eva.
What and were is Eva? Is that your favorite animal?
What's with the panda? Is "flaming" arguing, calling someone
names, or some other negative activity? I can't figure it out.


The only reason I ask is because someone is counting
the characters in my profile. I am feeling a bit fragile today
about my intellect. Please let me know why my enthusiasm
for a new crock pot, air conditioner, and mattress would be
offensive to minors. Please send a return email to me today
and tell me what I think about the new page I have created.

Please make sacrificial offerings and perform
whatever voodoo is necessary to teach my children.
Please tell him to watch out for cars. Please
are there any special places in this community
that are likely to match my current desires best or better?
Please stop my thank you.


Hela poemet kan du hitta här.

Jag undrar vad som vore roliga källor för kollagepoesi på svenska...

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